* Samahan has no age limit for intake. It has been test and proven effective even for three years of age.
* Samahan provides a complete Health Shield if consumed daily.
* Samahan can be added with Tea, milk, Soup's or plain old method of consuming if with hot water.
Tasting Note & Distinctive Features
Spanning 460 hectares, Somerset is in the famous Dimbula Valley known for its iconic teas. Reflecting the cool and moist climate of the Talawakelle District, this Somerset Estate Uda Watte is bright, with medium body and a presence that makes it the ideal introduction to the collection of Watte Single Estate Teas.
Tea Grade
Estate Information
Pekoe Grade, altitude 4600 feet. A High Grown estate of 460 hectares, Somerset is in the famous Dimbula Valley on the Western slopes of Sri Lanka’s Tea Country. Tea was first planted here in the 1870s after the flourishing coffee industry was destroyed by a leaf blight.
Tasting Note & Distinctive Features
The gentle sweetness of ripe strawberry with a lightly tangy note produces a mild and fragrant tea. A delightful, refine, fragrant and delicious tea.
Tea Grade
Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings (B.O.P.F)
Dilmah White Tea Ceylon Silver Tips Luxury 16 Tea Bags
Tasting Note & Distinctive Features
A rare and handmade white tea from Nuwara Eliya region of Ceylon, grown at 6,000 feet elevation. The tender buds of the tea plant are hand picked at dawn, carefully carried in a silk pouch and entirely handmade. The buds are sun dried and carefully hand rolled, producing the characteristic silver, needle-like buds, with velvety texture. Their pale brew is surpassingly light, and delicate, elusive and mild on the palate with a touch of a "greenish" seasonal high grown character in the finish. The beauty of the infused buds adds to the pleasure of this unique brew.
White Tea is the delicate, tender bud of two leaves; the bud, which provides best quality in tea. It is about 3 cm in length and white in its appearance. We call it Silver Tips in Sri Lanka. The annual crop of Silver Tips is 1700 kilos while, the regular tea crop is 325 million kilos! Silver Tips is only a mere fraction of the total crop. Its price is accordingly unique as white tea is a limited edition product.
Dilmah White tea is 100% Ceylon White Tea. Ceylon Silver Tips is a very rare tea, extremely limited in production; just a few hundred kilos per year. This rarity comes at a price and sadly because of this, most of the white teas offered around the world are adulterated; sometimes containing less than 2% of white tea. Dilmah White tea is Real White Tea offering.
Ingredients : White Tea
Caffeine Level: Low
Tea Grade : Silver Tips
A rare and handmade white tea from Nuwara Eliya region of Ceylon, grown at 6,000 feet elevation. The tender buds of the tea plant are hand picked at dawn, carefully carried in a silk pouch and entirely handmade. The buds are sun dried and carefully hand rolled, producing the characteristic silver, needle-like buds, with velvety texture. Their pale brew is surpassingly light, and delicate, elusive and mild on the palate with a touch of a "greenish" seasonal high grown character in the finish. The beauty of the infused buds adds to the pleasure of this unique brew.
White Tea is the delicate, tender bud of two leaves; the bud, which provides best quality in tea. It is about 3 cm in length and white in its appearance. We call it Silver Tips in Sri Lanka. The annual crop of Silver Tips is 1700 kilos while, the regular tea crop is 325 million kilos! Silver Tips is only a mere fraction of the total crop. Its price is accordingly unique as white tea is a limited edition product.
Dilmah White tea is 100% Ceylon White Tea. Ceylon Silver Tips is a very rare tea, extremely limited in production; just a few hundred kilos per year. This rarity comes at a price and sadly because of this, most of the white teas offered around the world are adulterated; sometimes containing less than 2% of white tea. Dilmah White tea is Real White Tea offering.
Ingredients : White Tea
Caffeine Level: Low
Tea Grade : Silver Tips
dr.Thé Slimming teas offer with the multiple extraordinary ingredient Herbs like Senna (Senna alexandrina),Terminalia chebula/Terminalia bellirica,Carum Seeds(Trachyspermum ammi),Terminalia bellirica/Belliric Myrobalan,Cinnamon (Cinnamomomum verum),Emblic (Phyllanthus emblica) decrease the rate of dietary carbohydrate conversion to fat and cholesterol while increasing glycogen production. It suppresses appetite thus reducing food consumption It also potentially increases caloric burning there by elevating the body's production of heat. It is nature's answer to weight loss.
Our Herbal Slimming Tea contains 6 Super Ingredients:

Buds & Flowers of Bael
(Aegle marmelos)

(Asteracantha longifolia Nees)

(Asteracantha longifolia Nees)
Matura tea tree (Senna auriculata)- Senna auriculata is a 3-5 feet tall much-branched, hairy shrub with a reddish brown smooth bark. It belongs to the plant family Caesalpiniaceae. The leaves are 7.5-10 cm. long with a gland between each pair of leaflets. The 8-12 pairs of leaflets are 2-2.5 cm. long and slightly overlapping. They are oblong-obovate, and obtuse with numerous hairs. The flowers are large, reaching 5 cm. across in terminal and axilliary racemes. The pods are 7.5-12.5 cm. long, flat, thin, oblong, obtuse and deeply depressed between the 10-20 seeds. Researchers tell us that the extracts from the flowers of this shrub posses anti-hyperlipidaemic and anti-diabetic activities.
Cooling - Senna auriculata is Cooling herbs which cool the body. They slow down the internal processes. They soothe irritations. They reduce both internal and external body heat. These herbs are used to cure Stomach heat, Fever and various heat related diseases. They give refreshing effect too. These herbs are also known as Refrigerant
Diabetes- Senna auriculata is beneficial for diabetics. A decoction of the whole plant or buds can be used to relieve diabetes. The powder of the plant can also be mixed with honey and proves effective for patients suffering from the disease.
Conjunctivitis- The outer layer of the plant’s seeds can be removed and made into a fine powder. This powder can serve as dusting powder when relieving conjunctivitis.
Sore Throat- The bark of Tanner’s Cassia is a very good option for using as a gargle and soothes the throat in case it is sore.
Menstruation- The herb is very beneficial in regulating the menstrual cycle. The flowers and buds of Tanner’s Cassia can be used as passerines to avoid excessive bleeding during menstruation.
Ophthalmia- The seeds of Tanner’s Cassia should be crushed into a fine powder and blown into the eyes of a patient suffering from purulent ophthalmia – that is, inflammation of the eye or conjunctiva. An ointment prepared from them and oil can also be applied to the affected eye.
Buds & Flowers of Bael - Commonly known as bael, Bengal quince,golden apple, Japanese bitter orange,stone apple, wood apple,bili, and bhel,is a species of tree native to India. It is present throughout Southeast Asia as a naturalized species.The tree is considered to be sacred by Hindus. Its fruits are used in traditional medicine and as a food throughout its range.
Antioxidant: Bael has a very high phenolic (flavonoid) content which is responsible for the radical scavenging activity in the plant. The free radicals cause oxidative stress that in turn cause disorders ranging from Alzheimers to COPD to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. The antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of leaves, root and stem bark of Bael was tested in one experiment. The results, published in the African Journal of Plant Science showed that leaf extract have better antioxidant activity than stem bark and root extract.
Anti-inflammatory:A study evaluated the anti-inflammatory activity of leaves extract of Aegle marmelos using rat as experimental animal and aspirin as standard drug. Results showed that the leaf extract of the plant had sufficient anti-inflammatory activity.
Heart health:Bael leaf extract has proven cardioprotective benefits.
Leucoderma:The Psoralen present in the pulp of bael fruit increases tolerance of sunlight which aids in the maintenance of normal skin color. Therefore it is used in the treatment of leucoderma.
Constipation:The ripened fruit acts as laxative. It promotes peristaltic movements and helps relieve constipation.
Indian Sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus Indicus)- is a species of plant that is found in South Asia. It is a slender, laticiferous, twining, sometimes prostrate or semi-erect shrub. Roots are woody and aromatic. The stem is numerous, slender, terete, thickened at the nodes. The leaves are opposite, short-petioled, very variable, elliptic-oblong to linear-lanceolate. The flowers are greenish outside, purplish inside, crowded in sub-sessile axillary cymes. It occurs over the greater part of India, from the upper Gangetic plain eastwards to Assam and in some places in central, western and South India.
Fluid Reduction:Sarsaparilla has diuretic qualities and may help to relieve medical conditions complicated by fluid accumulation. Michael Castleman, in his book "The New Healing Herbs," explains that sarsaparilla contains compounds called saponins, which have diuretic effects when consumed internally. As a result, sarsaparilla may effectively treat high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. Sarsaparilla may also provide relief for women who experience premenstrual fluid retention. Castleman stresses, though, that sarsaparilla and other diuretics should only be used under the supervision of a health-care professional.
Skin Health:Sarsaparilla may contribute to the overall health of your skin by helping to protect it from ongoing damage from toxins. Jeanette Jacknin, in her book "Smart Medicine for Your Skin: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Conventional and Alternative Therapies to Heal Common Skin Problems," writes that sarsaparilla may be an effective botanical therapy for psoriasis, as well as other skin conditions, such as acne, warts and even leprosy. She explains that the nutrients in sarsaparilla help to normalize your body's metabolism of fat and to improve the binding of toxins in your skin cells. Consult your doctor before using herbal remedies to treat any skin condition.
Sexual Desire:Sarsaparilla may serve as an effective treatment for sexual health issues. Alfred Pulford, in "Homoeopathic Materia Medica of Graphical Drug Pictures," explains that sarsaparilla has been used to treat impotence in men and a lack of sexual responsiveness in women. Pulford adds that the steroidal-like substances in sarsaparilla may help to heighten sexual desire in men and women alike. The efficacy of sarsaparilla for sexual health concerns, however, has not yet been scientifically proven, so consult your doctor before using it or any herb to address sexual issues.
Polpala/Mountain Knotgrass(Aerva lanata) - A semi erect many branched under shrub grows up to 50 cm in height. Leaves are simple, alternate, short petioled, tomentose, and become smaller in the flowering twigs. Flowers are small sessile, greenish or whitish, often found in spikes. Fruits are greenish round compressed utricle, seeds kidney shaped and small.The root has a camphor like aroma. The dried flowers which look like soft spikes.
Urethral discharges :The plant is said to be diuretic and demulcent. Its diuretic action is said to be very effective in the treatment of urethral discharges and is of value in cases of lithiasis and as an anthelmintic. A trace of alkaloid has been detected.
kidney stones: Decoction of the flowers is said to cure stones in any part of the stomach and that of the root is diuretic and cure for kidney stones.
Neeramuliya/Gokulakanta(Asteracantha longifolia Nees) - It is a robust, erect, annual herb. The stems are sub-quadrangular with thickened nodes; the leaves are oblanceolate, with a yellow spine in its axil; the flowers pale, purple blue, densely clustered in axils; the fruits are oblong, glabrous capsules, 4-8 seeded.A smooth, widely spreading vine, with the stems trailing on mud or floating on water. Leaves are oblong-ovatem 7-14 cm long, with a pointed tip and heart- or arrow-shaped base, long petioled, the margins entire or angular, and sublobed.The pedcuncles are erect, 2.5 to 5 cm long, with 1 or 2 flowers in the axils of the leaves. Sepals are green, oblong, about 8 mm. The corolla is narrowly bell-shaped, about 5 mm long, and purplish with the tube deeper purple inside.The seeds contain large amount of tenacious mucilage and potassium salts.
The roots, leaves and seeds have been used in Indian systems of medicine as diuretics and also employed to cure jaundice, dropsy, rheumatism, anasarca and diseases of the urinogenital tract.
Increases Blood Circulation : The plant contains abundant mucilage and potassium salts, which ultimately increases blood circulation in the body. The whole plant possesses tonic and diuretic properties. The seeds are given for gonorrhoea. The root, in decoction, is administered in dropsical cases and gravel; The leaves are also used as a diuretic after being boiled in vinegar. The ashes of the dried plants are considered.
Black tea - is a type of tea that is more oxidized than oolong, green and white teas. Black tea is generally stronger in flavor than the less oxidized teas. All four types are made from leaves of the shrub (or small tree) Camellia sinensis. Two principal varieties of the species are used – the small-leaved Chinese variety plant , used for most other types of teas, and the large-leaved Assamese plant , which was traditionally mainly used for black tea, although in recent years some green and white have been produced.
Antioxidants: Black tea contains polyphenols, which are also antioxidants that help block DNA damage associated with tobacco or other toxic chemicals. These antioxidants are different from those obtained from fruits and vegetables and therefore as a regular part of our diet they can provide additional benefits towards a healthy lifestyle.
Stress Relief: We all are aware and well experienced about the calming and relaxing benefits of black tea. Not only does it help slow you down after a long day, studies show that the amino acid L-theanine found in black tea can help you relax and concentrate better. Black tea has also been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol when consumed in moderate amounts on a regular basis.
Better Immune System: Black tea contains alkylamine antigens that help boost our immune response. In addition it also contains tannins that have the ability to fight viruses and hence keep us protected from influenza, stomach flu and other such commonly found viruses in our everyday lives.
Healthy Digestive Tract: In addition to improving your immune system, tannins also have a therapeutic effect on gastric and intestinal illnesses and also help decrease digestive activity.
Increased Energy: Unlike other drinks that have a relatively higher caffeine content, the low amounts found in tea can help enhance blood flow to the brain without over-stimulating the heart. It also stimulates the metabolism and respiratory system, as well as the heart and the kidneys.
Lower Risk of Diabetes: Based on a research study conducted of elderly people living in the Mediterranean islands it was discovered that people that had been consuming black tea on a long-term basis on a moderate level (i.e 1-2 cups a day) had a 70% lower chance of having or developing type 2 diabetes.
dr.Thé Diabe teas offer with multiple extraordinary ingredient Herbs like Salacia (Salacia Reticulata),Java Plum (Syzygium cumini),Sandalwood (Santalum album),Tiny Flower Hibiscus/Arrowleaf sida (Sida rhombifolia) brings a number of health benefits including improving insulin sensitivity.Drinking 2 cups of tea has been shown to lead to a 50% lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
dr.Thé detox teas offer added benefits with the multiple remarkable ingredient Herbs like Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Black pepper (Piper nigrum), Long pepper(Piper longum), Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and Threadstem carpetweed (Mollugo cerviana) all contain properties said to support a healthy liver and Kidneys, one of those organs in charge of your natural detoxifying process. Ginger has also been proven to alleviate oxidative stress within the liver, which indirectly helps the organ perform its cleaning task more efficiently.
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Shop now!Our diabetes controlling tea contains 3 super ingredients:
Momordica charantia (Bittergourd)- known as bitter melon, bitter gourd, bitter squash or balsam-pear in English, has many other local names.It is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean for its edible fruit, which is extremely bitter. Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit.Bitter melon originated on the Indian subcontinent, and was introduced into China in the 14th century.
In medicine
Bitter gourd has been used in various Asian and African herbal medicine systems for a long time. In Turkey, it has been used as a folk remedy for a variety of ailments, particularly stomach complaints. In traditional medicine of India different parts of the plant are used to relieve diabetes, as a stomachic, laxative, antibilious, emetic, anthelmintic agent, for the treatment of cough, respiratory diseases, skin diseases, wounds, ulcer, gout, and rheumatism.
Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) - known as "true cinnamon" is a tree that is indigenous to Sri Lanka, growing semi-wildly in moist lowlands. Spice obtained from its inner bark was the most sought after spice in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century as its quality is more superior than its close relative, Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia).Other than for culinary purposes, oil obtained from the cinnamom bark is also popularly used in flavoring and perfumery, as well as in dental and pharmaceutical products. In the global market, cinnamon is used in products such as Arthritin which is recommended for patients with arthritis and rheumatism.[1] The leaf oil, which is different in composition from bark oil, is also used in tonics, antiseptics and in remedies for intestinal gas, nausea, colds, and hypertension.Currently, Sri Lanka and Madagascar are the major producers of cinnamon.
In medicine
Antibacterial that kills or slows down the growth of bacteria.Antiviral that can treat viral infections. Antifungal that can treat fungal infections.Antioxidant that is capable of inhibiting oxidation and thus aid in preventing some types of diseases. Antinociceptive that can reduce sensitivity to painful stimuli and hypertensive that is capable of lowering blood pressure.
Black tea - is a type of tea that is more oxidized than oolong, green and white teas. Black tea is generally stronger in flavor than the less oxidized teas. All four types are made from leaves of the shrub (or small tree) Camellia sinensis. Two principal varieties of the species are used – the small-leaved Chinese variety plant (C. sinensis subsp. sinensis), used for most other types of teas, and the large-leaved Assamese plant (C. sinensis subsp. assamica), which was traditionally mainly used for black tea, although in recent years some green and white have been produced.
In medicine
Many people drink black tea for alertness and energy. There is good scientific evidence to show this works. Black tea has a lot of caffeine. It also contains a little bit of a stimulating substance called theophylline. Both can speed up your heart rate and make you feel more alert.Black tea is also full of healthy substances called polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidants that can help protect your cells from DNA damage.Some scientists think that specific antioxidants in tea, including polyphenols and catechins, may help prevent some types of cancer. For example, some research shows that women who regularly drink black tea have a much lower risk of ovarian cancer than women who do not.
Regularly drinking black tea may also lower your risk for these conditions: Diabetes,High cholesterol,Kidney stones,Parkinson’s disease
Curry Leaves/Sweet Neem Leaves (Murraya Koenigii)
Ourt Antioxidantea/Lowers Cholesterol tea :
Curry Leaves/Sweet Neem Leaves(Murraya Koenigii)- The curry tree (Murraya koenigii or Bergera koenigii) is a tropical to sub-tropical tree in the family Rutaceae (the rue family, which includes rue, citrus, and satinwood), which is native to India and Sri Lanka.
Its leaves are used in many dishes in India and neighbouring countries. Often used in curries, the leaves are generally called by the name 'curry leaves,' although they are also literally 'sweet neem leaves' in most Indian languages.
In medicine
Stops Diarrhea: Research studies conducted by Ashish Pagariya and Maithili, V. concluded that the carbazole alkaloids present in curry leaves or Murraya Koenigii had anti-diarrheal properties. Experiments on lab rats showed that carbazole extracts from curry leaves had significantly controlled castor oil-induced diarrhea. A bunch of curry leaves can be ground up and the paste can be eaten or the juice of the leaves can be consumed.
Gastrointestinal Protection: Use of curry leaves is recommended as a cure for gastrointestinal issues in Ayurvedic methodology. One important is due to the fact that they are considered to possess mild laxative properties. Make juice out of a bunch of curry leaves and add lime juice. This mixture is to be consumed for indigestion or a paste made from the leaves can be added to buttermilk and taken every morning on an empty stomach.
Antioxidant Properties: Research studies conducted by Mylarappa B. Ningappa et al. at Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Molecular Parasitology and Protein Engineering Laboratory in Bengaluru, India have indicated that curry leaves or Murraya Koenigii is a good source of antioxidants. The presence of various vitamins like vitamin A, B, C and E help in reducing oxidative stress and free radical scavenging activity. Curry leaves can be added to your curries, vegetable stews and soups. They are also available in dried powder form.
Anti-Diabetic Properties: Perhaps one of the biggest health benefits of curry leaves is its use in diabetes control. Research conducted by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University of Madras, Chennai had shown that the anti-hyperglycemic properties of curry leaves were beneficial in controlling blood glucose levels in diabetic patients.
Fights Cancer: The chemical constituents found in curry leaves such as phenols are helpful in fighting cancers such as leukemia, prostate cancer and colorectal cancers. Research on curry leaves at the Department of Medical Chemistry at Mejio University, Japan showed evidence of cancer fighting properties in the carbazole alkaloids extract from curry leaves.
Lowers Cholesterol Levels: Curry leaves are also known to reduce bad LDL cholesterol level. Studies conducted at the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Kerala, India have shown that curry leaves have the potential to reduce LDL cholesterol levels.
Good for Hair Growth: Curry leaves are believed to help in strengthening hair roots. Dry curry leaf powder mixed in oil can be applied to your hair with a quick massage. The paste from curry leaves can also be applied in cases of gray hair. Doing these on a regular basis can improve hair growth as well.
Good for Eyesight: Curry leaves contain high amounts of vitamin A and are therefore good for eyesight. Vitamin A contains carotenoids which protect the cornea, which is the eye surface. Deficiency of vitamin A may cause night blindness, cloud formations in front of the eye and even the loss of vision loss in some cases.
Radio-Protective and Chemo-Protective: Studies on the extracts of curry leaves have shown positive results in reducing the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, while also offering protection against chromosomal damage, protection of bone marrow and prevention of free radicals becoming active in the body.
Protects Against Pathogen Attack: Research on curry leaves has revealed that they are also effective in fighting bacterial and fungal infections. The leaf extracts from the plant have been comparable to popular, mainstream antibiotic drugs.
Protects the Liver: Your liver plays a major role in the digestive system and it needs to be protected from any attack by free radicals, as well as viral and bacterial attacks that can result in infection. Research on curry leaves has indicated that the tannins and carbazole alkaloids present in curry leaves exhibited good hepato-protective properties. They are also helpful in protecting the liver from various diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Skin care: Curry leaves are also helpful in skin care. The juice or paste of the leaves can be applied on burns, cuts, bruises, skin irritations and insect bites for quick recovery and clean healing.
Our Cholesterol controlling tea contains 2 ingredients:
Curry Leaves/Sweet Neem Leaves- The curry tree (Murraya koenigii or Bergera koenigii) is a tropical to sub-tropical tree in the family Rutaceae (the rue family, which includes rue, citrus, and satinwood), which is native to India and Sri Lanka.
Its leaves are used in many dishes in India and neighbouring countries. Often used in curries, the leaves are generally called by the name 'curry leaves,' although they are also literally 'sweet neem leaves' in most Indian languages.
In medicine
Stops Diarrhea: Research studies conducted by Ashish Pagariya and Maithili, V. concluded that the carbazole alkaloids present in curry leaves or Murraya Koenigii had anti-diarrheal properties. Experiments on lab rats showed that carbazole extracts from curry leaves had significantly controlled castor oil-induced diarrhea. A bunch of curry leaves can be ground up and the paste can be eaten or the juice of the leaves can be consumed.
Gastrointestinal Protection: Use of curry leaves is recommended as a cure for gastrointestinal issues in Ayurvedic methodology. One important is due to the fact that they are considered to possess mild laxative properties. Make juice out of a bunch of curry leaves and add lime juice. This mixture is to be consumed for indigestion or a paste made from the leaves can be added to buttermilk and taken every morning on an empty stomach.
Antioxidant Properties: Research studies conducted by Mylarappa B. Ningappa et al. at Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Molecular Parasitology and Protein Engineering Laboratory in Bengaluru, India have indicated that curry leaves or Murraya Koenigii is a good source of antioxidants. The presence of various vitamins like vitamin A, B, C and E help in reducing oxidative stress and free radical scavenging activity. Curry leaves can be added to your curries, vegetable stews and soups. They are also available in dried powder form.
Anti-Diabetic Properties: Perhaps one of the biggest health benefits of curry leaves is its use in diabetes control. Research conducted by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University of Madras, Chennai had shown that the anti-hyperglycemic properties of curry leaves were beneficial in controlling blood glucose levels in diabetic rats.
Fights Cancer: The chemical constituents found in curry leaves such as phenols are helpful in fighting cancers such as leukemia, prostate cancer and colorectal cancers. Research on curry leaves at the Department of Medical Chemistry at Mejio University, Japan showed evidence of cancer fighting properties in the carbazole alkaloids extract from curry leaves.
Lowers Cholesterol Levels: Curry leaves are also known to reduce bad LDL cholesterol level. Studies conducted at the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Kerala, India have shown that curry leaves have the potential to reduce LDL cholesterol levels.
Good for Hair Growth: Curry leaves are believed to help in strengthening hair roots. Dry curry leaf powder mixed in oil can be applied to your hair with a quick massage. The paste from curry leaves can also be applied in cases of gray hair. Doing these on a regular basis can improve hair growth as well.
Good for Eyesight: Curry leaves contain high amounts of vitamin A and are therefore good for eyesight. Vitamin A contains carotenoids which protect the cornea, which is the eye surface. Deficiency of vitamin A may cause night blindness, cloud formations in front of the eye and even the loss of vision loss in some cases.
Radio-Protective and Chemo-Protective: Studies on the extracts of curry leaves have shown positive results in reducing the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, while also offering protection against chromosomal damage, protection of bone marrow and prevention of free radicals becoming active in the body.
Protects Against Pathogen Attack: Research on curry leaves has revealed that they are also effective in fighting bacterial and fungal infections. The leaf extracts from the plant have been comparable to popular, mainstream antibiotic drugs.
Protects the Liver: Your liver plays a major role in the digestive system and it needs to be protected from any attack by free radicals, as well as viral and bacterial attacks that can result in infection. Research on curry leaves has indicated that the tannins and carbazole alkaloids present in curry leaves exhibited good hepato-protective properties. They are also helpful in protecting the liver from various diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Skin care: Curry leaves are also helpful in skin care. The juice or paste of the leaves can be applied on burns, cuts, bruises, skin irritations and insect bites for quick recovery and clean healing.
Garlic (Allium sativum) - Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, and rakkyo. With a history of human use of over 7,000 years, garlic is native to central Asia, and has long been a staple in the Mediterranean region, as well as a frequent seasoning in Asia, Africa, and Europe. It was known to Ancient Egyptians, and has been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes.
In medicine
A multitude of medical studies confirm that garlic in several forms can reduce cholesterol. In the most recent study, using garlic pills and a placebo, researchers at Oxford University noted a 12 per cent reduction in total cholesterol.
Coronary artery disease is caused by a build-up of plaque within the arterial system. Studies have found that garlic appears to inhibiting new growth of plaque.
Research from gynaecologists at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London showed that taking garlic during pregnancy can cut the risk of pre- eclampsia, a potentially dangerous condition affecting one in ten pregnant women and causing raised blood pressure and protein in the urine.
Some studies also reveal that garlic may help to boost the birth-weight of babies destined to be too small.
Researchers found that taking standardised garlic tablets throughout pregnancy may decrease the chances of these types of complications at birth.
They found that adding extracts of garlic to the placental cells of women likely to suffer from these conditions stimulated growth.
In addition, the activity of key enzymes that are reduced in abnormal pregnancies where these conditions can occur were significantly increased when garlic was added.
Garlic is the only antibiotic that can actually kill infecting bacteria and, at the same time, protect the body from the poisons that are causing the infection. In studies, garlic has been found to be almost as effective as penicillin, while recent research shows similar activity to a more modern antibiotic called chloramphenicol, used for typhoid fever as well as conjunctivitis.
Even the blood of people who eat garlic can kill bacteria, and it is also reported that the vapour from freshly-cut garlic can kill bacteria from a distance of 20cm.
In the past, garlic used to be used to treat tuberculosis, as the invading organism, mycobacterium tuberculosis, is sensitive to several of the sulphur components found in garlic.
For centuries, garlic has been used by holistic healers as an aphrodisiac as it was thought to increase blood supply to the genitals.
However, more recent studies have found that an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase is primarily responsible for the mechanism of erection. Studies have recently shown that garlic can stimulate the production of nitric oxide synthase.
There is a wealth of information published on the role of garlic in preventing cancer. Most research today is centred upon establishing which particular compounds, after allicin, are most active in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
Some very recent research from the U.S. proved that by injecting diallyl disulphide - formed when raw garlic is cut or crushed - into the bloodstream, tumours can be reduced by up to a half.
The research also found that another compound in garlic, called S-Allylcysteine, is effective in preventing cancer-causing agents from binding to human breast cells.
Other research found that increased garlic intake reduced nitrite levels in the body and resulted in fewer deaths from stomach cancer. It is also well known that garlic can help to strengthen the immune system, which is vitally important for fighting cancer.
Stomach ulcers:
Modern medical studies have found that numerous diseases - gastric ulcers, ulcerative colitis, coronary artery disease, Kaposi's sarcoma and cervical cancer to name but a few - are triggered by infectious processes caused by bacteria or viruses. Garlic may be helpful in treating or preventing some of these conditions.
Recent discoveries by Australian scientists show that stomach ulcers are either caused by the helicobacter pylori bacteria, or contributed to by it, and that garlic can relieve ulcers as it kills this type of bacteria.
Other research has found that conditions such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis may also be inflammatory diseases caused by or contributed to by the mycobacterium paratuberculosis bacteria, which again can be killed by eating raw garlic.
Blood clotting:
Garlic is an anticoagulant and could be helpful in protecting against the blood clots which can cause strokes. If you are taking aspirin to keep your blood from forming clots, garlic may be a more pleasant and natural alternative.
Mixing aspirin or other blood-thinning medicines with garlic can be dangerous under some circumstances though. Always consult your GP before taking garlic supplements in conjunction with medications for blood thinning.
Allicin promotes the secretion of gastric juices by stimulating the mucous membranes of the stomach. It also combines with the stomach's natural proteins, reducing the excessive activity which can lead to indigestion.
In addition, allicin regulates the functioning of the stomach by activating the large intestine, so helping guard against constipation and diarrhoea.
Pennywort (Centella Asiatica), Green Tea & Ginger
Our Proven memory enhancer tea contains 3 super ingredients:
Pennywort(Centella Asiatica) - Pennywort is a common name given to several different plants around the world. In general they have round leaves and a low-growing habit. Pennywort may refer to:
In Asia: the edible Asiatic Pennywort, Centella asiatica. Other common names include Gotu Kola (ගොටු කොළ), Luei Gong Gen, Takip-kohol, Antanan, Pegagan, Pegaga, vallaarai (வல்லாரை),Kudavan(കുടവൻ) other common name among the Hmar tribes is "LAMBAK" or "ANINKEI".
In medicine
Pennywort is not only a common kind of vegetable to eat daily but also medicine that can cure many diseases such as pimple, antifebrile, making beauty, improve our health, detoxifying, constipation, heart- lung diseases,
Besides, pennywort is also a type of useful medicinal herbs containing a lot of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants which are used to convalesce, improve memory, circulation and cure many skin diseases.
Using pennywort is very easy. We can eat raw or cook soup, or boil, or drink pennywort juice. The number and time to use is not limited.
Anti-febrile use:
When children have a fever, you can use pennywort, wash, crumple, pour approximately intrusion of water, boil and simmer for about 15 minutes then decant it into a big cup. Ask them to dink a few tablespoons about every an hour. Children will reduce fever.
Curing disorder of body:
Pennywort is very good for digestion, helps to maintain the operation of these organs, resists to inflammatory processes and also acts as a mild bleach.
Helping increase memory:
Pennywort leaves are dried, powdered, and you should drink together with milk 3-5 grams per day, which will work well for people whose memory and vision decrease.
Good for cardiovascular disease:
Pennywort can help to reduce swell and improve circulation in the body, especially for diseases related to veins such as varicose veins and vein failure. For those who are overweight (obese), atherosclerotic vascular if they eat it in a long time, this will have the effect of reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood, thus the blood vessels return smoother, and limit accidents which are caused by atherosclerotic vascular.
Pennywort not only is nutritious but also makes you become more beautiful. Especially for ladies, pennywort has magical effects on their skin. Pennywort juice is used to moisturize their skin, slow aging, improve circulation and improve memory.
It is not only useful for the purification of the body but also cool the skin, and cure pimples and scars on the skin.
Healing wounds:
Pennywort contains chemicals called triterpenoids, which is used to increase the speed of wound healing, antioxidants in the wound site, and enhance skin and blood supply to the injured area.
Reducing stress:
Triterpenoids in pennywort can also be used to reduce anxiety and increase mental function in some individuals.
Also, in the folk, herbalists use pennywort to treat diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, respiratory infections, ulcers, colds, hepatitis, epilepsy, fatigue, fever, asthma and syphilis ... pennywort also help to treat insomnia, multiple sclerosis, cancer, circulatory disorders, hypertension, memory loss, healing and reduce spots on the cellulite skin.
Green Tea (Disambiguation) - Green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet.
It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body.
This includes improved brain function, fat loss, a lower risk of cancer and many other incredible benefits.
In medicine
* Green Tea Contains Various Bioactive Compounds That Can Improve Health.
* Compounds in Green Tea Can Improve Brain Function and Make You Smarter.
* Green Tea Increases Fat Burning and Improves Physical Performance.
* Antioxidants in Green Tea May Lower Your Risk of Various Types of Cancer..
* Green Tea May Protect Your Brain in Old Age, Lowering Your Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
* Green Tea Can Kill Bacteria, Which Improves Dental Health and Lowers Your Risk of Infection.
* Green Tea May Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes.
* Green Tea May Reduce Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease.
* Green Tea Can Help You Lose Weight and Lower Your Risk of Becoming Obese.
* Green Tea May Decrease Your Risk of Dying and Help You Live Longer.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) - Native to southeastern Asia, a region whose cuisines still feature this wonderfully spicy herb, ginger has been renowned for millennia in many areas throughout the world. Ginger is mentioned in ancient Chinese, Indian and Middle Eastern writings, and has long been prized for its aromatic, culinary and medicinal properties. After the ancient Romans imported ginger from China almost two thousand years ago, its popularity in Europe remained centered in the Mediterranean region until the Middle Ages when its use spread throughout other countries. Although it was a very expensive spice, owing to the fact that it had to be imported from Asia, it was still in great demand. In an attempt to make it more available, Spanish explorers introduced ginger to the West Indies, Mexico and South America, and in the 16th century, these areas began exporting the precious herb back to Europe.
Today, the top commercial producers of ginger include Jamaica, India, Fiji, Indonesia and Australia.
In medicine
Historically, ginger has a long tradition of being very effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. In herbal medicine, ginger is regarded as an excellent carminative (a substance which promotes the elimination of intestinal gas) and intestinal spasmolytic (a substance which relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract). Modern scientific research has revealed that ginger possesses numerous therapeutic properties including antioxidant effects, an ability to inhibit the formation of inflammatory compounds, and direct anti-inflammatory effects.
* Gastrointestinal Relief
* Safe and Effective Relief of Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy
* Anti-Inflammatory Effect
* Protection against Colorectal Cancer
* Ginger Induces Cell Death in Ovarian Cancer Cells
* Immune Boosting Action.
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Samahan Tea 50 Sachets
Samahan - Samahan is a concentrated, water soluble herbal preparation of selected medical herbs..
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