Cleanse Thé
Our Herbal Slimming Tea contains 6 Super Ingredients:
Matura tea tree (Senna auriculata)- Senna auriculata is a 3-5 feet tall much-branched, hairy shrub with a reddish brown smooth bark. It belongs to the plant family Caesalpiniaceae. The leaves are 7.5-10 cm. long with a gland between each pair of leaflets. The 8-12 pairs of leaflets are 2-2.5 cm. long and slightly overlapping. They are oblong-obovate, and obtuse with numerous hairs. The flowers are large, reaching 5 cm. across in terminal and axilliary racemes. The pods are 7.5-12.5 cm. long, flat, thin, oblong, obtuse and deeply depressed between the 10-20 seeds. Researchers tell us that the extracts from the flowers of this shrub posses anti-hyperlipidaemic and anti-diabetic activities.
Cooling - Senna auriculata is Cooling herbs which cool the body. They slow down the internal processes. They soothe irritations. They reduce both internal and external body heat. These herbs are used to cure Stomach heat, Fever and various heat related diseases. They give refreshing effect too. These herbs are also known as Refrigerant
Diabetes- Senna auriculata is beneficial for diabetics. A decoction of the whole plant or buds can be used to relieve diabetes. The powder of the plant can also be mixed with honey and proves effective for patients suffering from the disease.
Conjunctivitis- The outer layer of the plant’s seeds can be removed and made into a fine powder. This powder can serve as dusting powder when relieving conjunctivitis.
Sore Throat- The bark of Tanner’s Cassia is a very good option for using as a gargle and soothes the throat in case it is sore.
Menstruation- The herb is very beneficial in regulating the menstrual cycle. The flowers and buds of Tanner’s Cassia can be used as passerines to avoid excessive bleeding during menstruation.
Ophthalmia- The seeds of Tanner’s Cassia should be crushed into a fine powder and blown into the eyes of a patient suffering from purulent ophthalmia – that is, inflammation of the eye or conjunctiva. An ointment prepared from them and oil can also be applied to the affected eye.
Buds & Flowers of Bael - Commonly known as bael, Bengal quince,golden apple, Japanese bitter orange,stone apple, wood apple,bili, and bhel,is a species of tree native to India. It is present throughout Southeast Asia as a naturalized species.The tree is considered to be sacred by Hindus. Its fruits are used in traditional medicine and as a food throughout its range.
Antioxidant: Bael has a very high phenolic (flavonoid) content which is responsible for the radical scavenging activity in the plant. The free radicals cause oxidative stress that in turn cause disorders ranging from Alzheimers to COPD to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. The antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of leaves, root and stem bark of Bael was tested in one experiment. The results, published in the African Journal of Plant Science showed that leaf extract have better antioxidant activity than stem bark and root extract.
Anti-inflammatory: A study evaluated the anti-inflammatory activity of leaves extract of Aegle marmelos using rat as experimental animal and aspirin as standard drug. Results showed that the leaf extract of the plant had sufficient anti-inflammatory activity.
Heart health: Bael leaf extract has proven cardioprotective benefits.
Leucoderma: The Psoralen present in the pulp of bael fruit increases tolerance of sunlight which aids in the maintenance of normal skin color. Therefore it is used in the treatment of leucoderma.
Constipation: The ripened fruit acts as laxative. It promotes peristaltic movements and helps relieve constipation.
Indian Sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus Indicus)- is a species of plant that is found in South Asia. It is a slender, laticiferous, twining, sometimes prostrate or semi-erect shrub. Roots are woody and aromatic. The stem is numerous, slender, terete, thickened at the nodes. The leaves are opposite, short-petioled, very variable, elliptic-oblong to linear-lanceolate. The flowers are greenish outside, purplish inside, crowded in sub-sessile axillary cymes. It occurs over the greater part of India, from the upper Gangetic plain eastwards to Assam and in some places in central, western and South India.
Fluid Reduction: Sarsaparilla has diuretic qualities and may help to relieve medical conditions complicated by fluid accumulation. Michael Castleman, in his book "The New Healing Herbs," explains that sarsaparilla contains compounds called saponins, which have diuretic effects when consumed internally. As a result, sarsaparilla may effectively treat high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. Sarsaparilla may also provide relief for women who experience premenstrual fluid retention. Castleman stresses, though, that sarsaparilla and other diuretics should only be used under the supervision of a health-care professional.
Skin Health: Sarsaparilla may contribute to the overall health of your skin by helping to protect it from ongoing damage from toxins. Jeanette Jacknin, in her book "Smart Medicine for Your Skin: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Conventional and Alternative Therapies to Heal Common Skin Problems," writes that sarsaparilla may be an effective botanical therapy for psoriasis, as well as other skin conditions, such as acne, warts and even leprosy. She explains that the nutrients in sarsaparilla help to normalize your body's metabolism of fat and to improve the binding of toxins in your skin cells. Consult your doctor before using herbal remedies to treat any skin condition.
Sexual Desire: Sarsaparilla may serve as an effective treatment for sexual health issues. Alfred Pulford, in "Homoeopathic Materia Medica of Graphical Drug Pictures," explains that sarsaparilla has been used to treat impotence in men and a lack of sexual responsiveness in women. Pulford adds that the steroidal-like substances in sarsaparilla may help to heighten sexual desire in men and women alike. The efficacy of sarsaparilla for sexual health concerns, however, has not yet been scientifically proven, so consult your doctor before using it or any herb to address sexual issues.
Polpala/Mountain Knotgrass(Aerva lanata) - A semi erect many branched under shrub grows up to 50 cm in height. Leaves are simple, alternate, short petioled, tomentose, and become smaller in the flowering twigs. Flowers are small sessile, greenish or whitish, often found in spikes. Fruits are greenish round compressed utricle, seeds kidney shaped and small.The root has a camphor like aroma. The dried flowers which look like soft spikes.
Urethral discharges : The plant is said to be diuretic and demulcent. Its diuretic action is said to be very effective in the treatment of urethral discharges and is of value in cases of lithiasis and as an anthelmintic. A trace of alkaloid has been detected.
kidney stones: Decoction of the flowers is said to cure stones in any part of the stomach and that of the root is diuretic and cure for kidney stones.
Neeramuliya/Gokulakanta(Asteracantha longifolia Nees) - It is a robust, erect, annual herb. The stems are sub-quadrangular with thickened nodes; the leaves are oblanceolate, with a yellow spine in its axil; the flowers pale, purple blue, densely clustered in axils; the fruits are oblong, glabrous capsules, 4-8 seeded.A smooth, widely spreading vine, with the stems trailing on mud or floating on water. Leaves are oblong-ovatem 7-14 cm long, with a pointed tip and heart- or arrow-shaped base, long petioled, the margins entire or angular, and sublobed.The pedcuncles are erect, 2.5 to 5 cm long, with 1 or 2 flowers in the axils of the leaves. Sepals are green, oblong, about 8 mm. The corolla is narrowly bell-shaped, about 5 mm long, and purplish with the tube deeper purple inside.The seeds contain large amount of tenacious mucilage and potassium salts.
The roots, leaves and seeds have been used in Indian systems of medicine as diuretics and also employed to cure jaundice, dropsy, rheumatism, anasarca and diseases of the urinogenital tract.
Increases Blood Circulation : The plant contains abundant mucilage and potassium salts, which ultimately increases blood circulation in the body. The whole plant possesses tonic and diuretic properties. The seeds are given for gonorrhoea. The root, in decoction, is administered in dropsical cases and gravel; The leaves are also used as a diuretic after being boiled in vinegar. The ashes of the dried plants are considered.
Black tea - is a type of tea that is more oxidized than oolong, green and white teas. Black tea is generally stronger in flavor than the less oxidized teas. All four types are made from leaves of the shrub (or small tree) Camellia sinensis. Two principal varieties of the species are used – the small-leaved Chinese variety plant , used for most other types of teas, and the large-leaved Assamese plant , which was traditionally mainly used for black tea, although in recent years some green and white have been produced.
Antioxidants: Black tea contains polyphenols, which are also antioxidants that help block DNA damage associated with tobacco or other toxic chemicals. These antioxidants are different from those obtained from fruits and vegetables and therefore as a regular part of our diet they can provide additional benefits towards a healthy lifestyle.
Stress Relief: We all are aware and well experienced about the calming and relaxing benefits of black tea. Not only does it help slow you down after a long day, studies show that the amino acid L-theanine found in black tea can help you relax and concentrate better. Black tea has also been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol when consumed in moderate amounts on a regular basis.
Better Immune System: Black tea contains alkylamine antigens that help boost our immune response. In addition it also contains tannins that have the ability to fight viruses and hence keep us protected from influenza, stomach flu and other such commonly found viruses in our everyday lives.
Healthy Digestive Tract: In addition to improving your immune system, tannins also have a therapeutic effect on gastric and intestinal illnesses and also help decrease digestive activity.
Increased Energy: Unlike other drinks that have a relatively higher caffeine content, the low amounts found in tea can help enhance blood flow to the brain without over-stimulating the heart. It also stimulates the metabolism and respiratory system, as well as the heart and the kidneys.
Lower Risk of Diabetes: Based on a research study conducted of elderly people living in the Mediterranean islands it was discovered that people that had been consuming black tea on a long-term basis on a moderate level (i.e 1-2 cups a day) had a 70% lower chance of having or developing type 2 diabetes.
Our Herbal Slimming Tea contains 6 Super Ingredients:
Matura tea tree (Senna auricul..
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