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Herbal tea


Samahan Tea Promo Pack 30 Sachets

Samahan Tea Promo Pack 30 Sachets

Samahan - Samahan is a concentrated, water soluble herbal preparation of selected medical herbs..

Herbal Thé

Herbal Thé

There’s nothing nicer on a cold midwinter’s day than a soothing cup of herbal tea. But besides being a tasty, warming, caffeine-free pick-me-up, herbal tea has lots of wonderful health benefits From soothing a troubled tummy to easing insomnia and calming a troubled mind, herbs have all sorts of healing powers. Drinking herbal tea can also be a great source of vitamins and minerals.

What is herbal tea?

Herbal tea isn’t really made from tea—which is a specific kind of plant. The French use the word tisane, which is a little more accurate, since herbal tea is really just an infusion of leaves, seeds, roots or bark, extracted in hot water. In drinking a well-steeped herbal tea, we get all the plant’s benefits in an easily digestible form.

The benefits of herbal tea

In a lot of ways, we might get more benefit from a good organic tea than from a vitamin pill,” says herbalist Marianne Beacon of Elderberry Herbals in Peterborough, Ont. "You’re getting the benefits of hydration. There’s the social element: Tea is something that you can share with people. And when you’re drinking herbal tea, you get aromatherapy at the same time—and that’s something you don’t get from a tablet!”
That’s why Toronto-based herbalist Marcia Dixon says herbal tea should always be steeped in a covered vessel to contain the beneficial essential oils. “Otherwise, your room smells nice but you aren’t retaining the medicinal properties.”

Bitter Gourd with Black Tea
Our diabetes controlling tea  contains 3 super ingredients:Bitter gourd   (Momordica ..
Curry Leaves/Sweet Neem Leaves  (Murraya Koenigii)
Ourt Antioxidantea/Lowers Cholesterol  tea  :          ..
Curry Leaves/Sweet Neem Leaves and  Garlic
Our Cholesterol controlling tea  contains 2 ingredients:        ..
Ginger and Coriander/Cilantro Tea
Our diabetes controlling tea  contains 3 super ingredients:          &..
Golden Apple (Buds & Flowers of Bael)
Immense healing  tea ingredients:            Buds & Flow..
Indian Sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus Indicus)
Tea  improve sexual health :          Indian Sarsaparil..
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